Design Pattern Library


Main Headline

Promxima Nova Headline <h1>

Released in 2005, Proxima Nova is a tyepface designed by Mark Simonson. It is often described as a hybrid of Futura and Akzidenz Grotesk, combining a geometric appearance with modern proportions. though, so there’s a reason for its popularity. Proxima Nova is available in seven weights—thin, light, regular, semibold, bold, extrabold and black—each with matching italics as well as small caps styles and condensed and extra condensed widths.

Clean + Modern

Meet Roboto Condensed the supporting font

Roboto is the paragraph font which has a dual nature. It has a mechanical skeleton and the forms are largely geometric. At the same time, the font features friendly and open curves. While some grotesks distort their letterforms to force a rigid rhythm, Roboto doesn’t compromise, allowing letters to be settled into their natural width. This makes for a more natural reading rhythm more commonly found in humanist and serif types.


Typescale is based on 1.25 – Major Third

Heading One


Heading Two


Heading Three


Heading Four





The default body text is 16px.